Note to Self (and anyone else who needs to hear it): Your life is what you make of it. You are 100% responsible for your happiness.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are We Really Appreciating Our Blessings?

I sat down at my laptop with a cup of coffee for a little facebook scroll through posts from friends and acquaintances. At this moment life is peaceful, happy, relaxed. Scott and I have been getting ready for tomorrow's Super Bowl party where 30 of the people our lives are blessed with will come hang out for the game. About 30 seconds into my scroll I came across a post/picture from a friend asking for prayers for her friend's young son who's at Texas Children's Hospital. This beautiful child is dying, and the note with the picture, written by his mother, basically says just that... time has run out.

What I thought was going to be mindless reading/viewing, with likely giggles between sips of coffee (as is often the case with me and facebook), has turned into me questioning my appreciation of how blessed my life is. I am healthy, happy, employed. Scott and I have a good relationship, wonderful friends and family, amazing kids, a nice home. Our children are healthy, happy, and safe (my prayer to God every night).

And down the road at TCH, there is a family sitting around a hospital bed where a sweet boy, the same age as my younger daughter Laureli, has little time left. It makes you ask "Why?" And it makes you wonder why your life is spared such heartache. I often think that it's not that some are spared, but rather that it's not your heartache time of life right now. Some years later, who knows, you could be going through something terribly painful, and maybe when that's going on, this family will be experiencing great joy in their lives. I don't know if I'm right but since most people don't have 80 years of pure happiness and zero heartache, I think my theory is probably pretty close.

So as I finish my cup of coffee, and the deep thoughts I hadn't planned on thinking, I say to you... if your life is peaceful, happy, relaxed; stop what you're doing for 30 seconds and thank God. And if you know somebody who's hurting, say a prayer for them as well.

The picture below is Laureli and me last Christmas morning. The box is a gift from her to me ... it had a bunch of fuzzy socks in it. She knows how much I love fuzzy socks. :) This is one of my favorite pictures of us -- I just love how she's hugging me. Laureli is the BEST hugger I have ever known in my entire 43 years on this Earth. She hugs whole-heartedly, snuggles into the hug when she's giving you one, and says "I love you" freely and often. She is my sweet, precious gift from God and I will be grateful for her every day of my life.

Count your blessings. Love your loved ones. Be grateful for all you have.


  1. Loved the read...And you are so right...We all need to count our blessings and give Thanks every day!! Try not ever take a minute for granted....because you don't ever know what is ahead of you! My heart hurts deeply for those that are walking down that painful walk of life...I pray for them all...
    I too am blessed with a wonderful husband and children that are whole heart loves!! You can feel the love they have and it's the best gift in life for me too!!
    Love and Hugs to all The Moody Family!!

    1. Hugs right back to you, Julie. You are one of my life's blessings! XOXOXO!

  2. Lots of deep thinking, and wonderful logic! I do think that life often comes in waves - happiness followed by pain, then repeat. It's a roller coaster, and when the highs come, they help to balance the lows that we all must encounter in our lives.

  3. My friend posted that this little boy passed away this morning, peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by family/loved ones. Prayers for this family's strength and healing.


  4. From the momma of that sweet boy from Texas children's hospital, thank you so much for taking the time to think of Evan Thomas Miles (aka Super Evan). Also, thank you for sharing part of his life with others!!!

    Christie Key

    1. Christie,

      I'm so touched that you read, commented on, and liked my blog. I purposely kept Evan's name out for privacy reasons, but I'm very happy you shared him here. I can't tell you how deeply Evan's story has touched my heart. I guess because Laureli is the same age - it makes you realize how easily it "could be you." Your family is in my prayers every night when I go to bed... strength, healing.

      My family lost my cousin, Kerry, two years ago, at the tender age of 30. It was very unexpected - chronic asthmatic. I watched my aunt, by far the strongest woman I've ever known, break into tiny pieces. She found her strength, and she continues to heal. There's a blog about them here as well. (The one about speaking at the podium at Kerry's service.)

      I can't imagine what either of you are going through, but I pray for you every day. Thank you again, for commenting here, for sharing Evan, and for allowing me to do so too. I would love to add his picture to this blog. Let me know if that would be okay.


  5. Wow, Jen! I don't know how I missed this the first time around but I'm SO glad I didn't miss it this time. Prayers for Evan's family! I can't imagine their loss. I'm sure at times it feels too heavy, too dark, too much to bear. I am praying for strength and comfort for everyone.


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